Washington State History Museum - Tacoma, Washington - Set 2

Suquamish Indian Basket - August 19, 2017

Puyallup/Nisqually Indian Basket
From Museum Signage:  "The fact that fingers and feet are depicted
on the human figures indicate this coiled and imbricated basket was
probably made by the Puyallup or Nisqually.  Human figures on Klickitat
baskets usually do not have fingers depicted."

Chehalis Indian Basket
From Museum Signage: "Coiled and imbricated cedar root work basket.  
There are different tribal traditions on how a basket is started.  Individual
basket makers can sometimes be identified by their particular way of
beginning and decorating the start of the basket."

Makah Indian Basket (above and below)
From Museum Signage: "Over-sized wrapped twined cedar bark and
beargrass basket.  The beargrass on the inside of the basket and lid suggest
the bright color many Indian baskets had when new."


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