An alphabetical listings of reptile and amphibian photographs and videos, listings are by English Common Name. If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.
In addition to the species accounts listed below, I have made the following compilations of video accounts:
Ameiva, Giant - Ameiva atrigularis - Video recorded in Tobago - April 2018
Anaconda, Yellow - Eunectes notaeus - Video recorded in the Pantanal of Brazil. (11:47)
Anaconda, Yellow - Eunectes notaeus - Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Anole, Greater Scaly - Norops tropidonotus - Photos from Belize 2021
Anole, Greater Scaly - Norops tropidonotus - Video from Belize 2021

Basilisk, Brown - Basiliscus vittatus - Photographs from Belize
Basilisk, Brown - Basiliscus vittatus - Video from Belize 2021
Basilisk, Common - Basiliscus basiliscus - Photographs from Panama
Basilisk, Plumed - Basillscus plumifrons - Video recorded in Panama
Boa, Amazon Tree - Corallus hortulanus - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Boa, Russell’s - Gongylophis conicus - Photograph from Gujarat, India

Caiman, Yacare (listed as Spectacled Caiman) - Caiman yacare - Recorded in the Pantanal of Brazil. (16:12)
Caiman, Yacare - Caiman yacare - Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Cichlid sp. - Photograph from Belize
Crocodile, Marsh (Mugger) - Crocodylus palustris - Photograps from Rajasthan, India
Crocodile, Morelet’s - Photograph from Belize
Crocodile, Morelet’s - Crocodylus moreletii - Video from Belize 2021
Crocodile, Saltwater - Crocodylus porosus - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (38:46)
Crocodile, Saltwater (Estuarine) - Crocodylus porosus - Photographs from Queensland
Crocodile, West African - Crocodylus suchus - Video recorded in The Gambia, November 2018
Crocodile, West African - Crocodylus suchus - Framegrabs from the Gambia
Fer-de-lance, False - Xenodon rabdocephalus - Photographs from Panama
Frog, Rio Grande Leopard - Rana berlandieri - Photos from Belize 2021
Frog, Rio Grande Leopard - Rana berlandieri - Video from Belize 2021
Gecko, House - Hemidactylus frenatus - Photographs from Belize
Gharial - Gavialis gangeticus - Photographs from Rajasthan, India
Iguana, Black Spiny-tailed - Ctenosaura similis - Photos, Costa Rica
Iguana, Black - Ctenosaura similis, Photograph from Belize 2021
Iguana, Black - Ctenosaura similis, Video from Belize 2021
Iguana, Green - Iguana iguana - Photograph from Tobago
Iguana, Green - Iguana iguana - Video from Trinidad - April 2018
Iguana, Green - Iguana iguana - Photograph from Panama
Iguana, Green - Iguana iguana - Photograph from Belize
Iguana, Green - Iguana iguana - Video from Belize 2021
Lizard, Green Forest - Calotes calotes - Photographs from Sri Lanka
Monitor, Asian Water - Varanus s. salvator - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Monitor, Asian Water - Varanus s. salvator - Photographs from Sri Lanka
Mudskipper, Atlantic - Periophthalmus barbarus - Video recorded in The Gambia, November 2018
Mudskipper, Atlantic - Periophthalmus barbarus - Photographs from The Gambia, November 2018
Mudskipper, Atlantic - Periophthalmus barbarus - Video from The Senegal, December 2018
Mudskipper, Atlantic - Periophthalmus barbarus - Photograph from Senegal, December 2018
Python, (Indian) Rock - Python molurus - Video recorded in India
Python, (Indian) Rock - Python molurus - Photographs from India
Slider, Meso-American - Trachemys scripta - Photograph from Panama
Snake, Green Parrot - Leptophis ahaetulla - Photograph from Costa Rica
Tegu, Gold - Tupinambis teguixin - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Tegu, Gold - Tupinambis teguixin - Video recorded in Trinidad during 2018
Toad, Cane - Rhinella marinus - Photograph from Belize 2021
Toad, Sheep - Hypopachus varioiosus - Photograph from Belize 2021
Toad, Sheep - Hypopachus varioiosus - Video from Belize 2021
Toad, South American Common - Rhinella margaritifer - Video recorded in Panama
Treefrog, Veined - Trachycephalus venulosus - Photos from Belize 2021
Treefrog, Veined - Trachycephalus venulosus - Video from Belize 2021

Turtle, Leatherback Sea - Dermochelys coriacea - Photographs from Grand Riviere, Trinidad
Turtle, Leatherback Sea - Dermochelys coriacea - Video recorded at Grand Riviere, Trinidad
Turtle, Northern Giant Musk - Staurotypus triporcatus - Photographs from Belize 2021
Turtle, Northern Giant Musk - Staurotypus triporcatus - Video from Belize 2021
Vinesnake (sp?) - Video recorded in the Pantanal of Brazil (15:38)