This alphabetical listings of mammal/marsupial photographs and videos is by English Common Name. If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.
In addition to the species accounts listed below, I have made the following compilations of video accounts:

Nilgai - Boselaphus tragocamelus
- Photographs taken in India
Ocelot - Leopardus pardalis
Olingo, Northern - Bassaricyon gabbii
Otter, Giant River - Pteronura brasiliensis
Peccary, Collared - Pecari tajacu
- Brazil’s Pantanal - The Reptiles and Mammals (08:19)
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Three
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Four
Porcupine, Mexican Hairy Dwarf - Coendou mexicanus
Possum, Common Brushtail - Trichosurus vulpecula
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 1 (1:01:35)
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 2 (09:32)
- Photographs from Queensland
Possum, Common Ring-tail - Pseudocheirus pereginus
Rat-Kangaroo, Musky - Hypsipymnodon moschatus
Rhinoceros, White - Ceratotherim simum
- Framegrabs from Senegal
- Video from Senegal
Rock-Wallaby, Godman’s - Petrogale godmani
Rock-Wallaby, Unadorned - Petrogale inornata
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 1 (1:01:11)
- Queensland - Birding the Tropical North - Volume 2 (09:18)
- Photographs from Queensland
Saki, White-nosed - Chiropotes albinasus
Sambar - Rusa unicolor
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume One
- Sri Lanka - Birding the South - Volume Two
- Photographs from India
Seal, South American Fur - Arctocephalus australis
Sloth, Brown-throated Three-toed - Bradypus variegatus
Sloth, Hoffman’s Two Toed - Choloepus hoffmanni
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Three
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Four
Sloth, Pale-throated Three-toed - Bradypus tridactylus
Squirrel, Black Giant - Ratufa bicolor
- Video from Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Squirrel, Gambian Sun - Helioscriurus gambianus senescens
Squirrel, Himalayan Striped - Tamiops mcclellandii
- Video from Bhutan
- Photograph from Bhutan
Squirrel, Hoary-bellied - Callosciurus pygerythrus
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Squirrel, Northern Palm - Funambulus pennantii
- Photographs from India
Squirrel, Orange-bellied Himalayan - Dremomys lokriah
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Squirrel, Plantain - Callosciurus notatus
Squirrel, Red-tailed - Sciurus granatensis
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Three
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Four
- Video recorded in Colombia
- Photographs from Colombia
- Photographs from Panama
- Video from Colombia 2024
- Photographs from Colombia 2024
Squirrel, Striped Ground - Xerus erythropus erythropus
Squirrel, Variegated - Sciurus variegatoides
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume One
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Two
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Three
- Costa Rica - A Birdwatching Adventure - Volume Four
- Photographs from Costa Rica
Tamarin, Geoffroy's - Saguinus geoffroyi
Tapir, Brazilian - Tapirus terrestris
- Brazil’s Pantanal - The Reptiles and Mammals (02:46)
- Brazil’s Southern Amazon - Volume Two
- Photographs from Brazil
Tarsier, Spectral - Tarsius tarsier
Tayra - Eira barbara
Tiger - Panthera tigris
- Photographs from India
Vicuña - Vicugna vicugna
- Birding Chile - North of Santiago - Volume One
- Birding Chile - North of Santiago - Volume Two
- Photograph from Chile
Viscacha, Northern - Lagidium peruanum
- Birding Chile - North of Santiago - Volume One
- Birding Chile - North of Santiago - Volume Two
- Photograph from Chile
Wallaby, Whiptail - Macropus parryi
Warthog, Common - Phacochoerus africanus africanus
Waterbuck - Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Yak, Domestic - Bos grunniens
- Video recorded in Bhutan
- Photographs from Bhutan
Zebra, Burchell’s - Equus quagga burchellii