

Eat it Raw:  Allow the fruit to wrinkle - that increases its sugar level.  The photograph (above) was taken in Ecuador, not far from where the fruit came off of the tree.  At that location, passionfruit was served on a fruit plate along with bananas and apples.

With Alcohol:  Passionfruit is sometimes used instead of lime in making Caipirinha (the “national cocktail” of Brazil).

  • 50 ml (about 1 and 2/3 ounces) of cachaça  a liquor made from fermented sugarcane (38-54% alcohol by volume) 
  • 1 passionfruit (adjust to taste)
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Crush the sugar and passionfruit innards together (using a wood implement) in a serving glass, fill the glass with crushed ice, add the cachaça.
  • If vodka is used instead of cachaça, the drink is called a caipiroska. 

Juices, Jams, and Syrups:  Yes

Medicine:  Passionfruit is sometimes used as a mild sedative.  It contains harmala alkaloids which have a number of medical uses.   It is a great source of beta carotene, potassium, ascorbic acid, and dietary fiber.

Passiflora edulis

Australia:  Passionfruit

Brazil:  Maracujá

Colombia:  Maracuyá

Dominican Rep.:  Chinola

Ecuador:  Maracujá

French Guiana:  Maracudja

Hawaiian:  Lilikoi

Indonesia:  Markisa

New Zealand: Passionfruit

Paraguay:  Maracujá

Panama:  Maracuyá

Peru: Maracujá or Maracuyá

Puerto Rico:   Parcha

South America:  Granadilla 

United Kingdom: Passion Fruit

United States (USA): Passion Fruit

Venezuela:   Parchita

Vietnam: Lạc tiẽn, Chanh dȃy, or Chanh loe

Zimbabwe:  Magrandera


And it has a beautiful flower, as do all of the plants of the Passiflora genus.

Note:  A Mango Tart with passionfruit sauce and toasted passionfruit seeds was a food highlight of a trip I made to the Yucatán Peninsula.

© Robert Barnes 2023-2024