A to C - Index of the Birds 

An index to the birds which have a common name starting with “A”, “B”, or “C” as found on this website and the video portfolios which support it.  If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.


Accentor, Alpine - Video recorded in Bhutan

Accentor, Alpine - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Accentor, Black-throated
 - Video recorded in India
Accentor, Black-throated - Photographs from India
Accentor, Rufous-breasted 
- Video recorded in Bhutan
Accentor, Rufous-breasted - Photographs taken in Bhutan

Adjutant, Lesser - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Adjutant, Lesser - Photograph from Sri Lanka

Amazon, Red-lored - Video recorded in Panama
Amazon, Red-lored - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Amazon, Red-lored - Video recorded in Guatemala
Amazon, Red-lored - Photograph taken at Tikal, Guatemala
Amazon, Red-lored - Photograph from Costa Rica
Amazon, Red-lored - Photograph from Panama
Amazon, Yellow-naped - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Amazon, Yellow-naped
- Photograph from Costa Rica

Anhinga - Video recorded in Brazil
- Photographs from Brazil
Anhinga - Video recorded in Mexico
Anhinga - Video recorded in Trinidad & Tobago
- Photographs taken in Trinidad & Tobago

Ani, Greater - Video recorded in Panama
Ani, Greater
 - Photograph from Panama
Ani, Groove-billed - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Ani, Groove-billed - Photographs from Costa Rica
Ani, Groove-billed - Video recorded in Jalisco, Mexico
Ani, Groove-billed
- Photograph from Belize
Ani, Groove-billed
- Video from Belize 2021
Ani, Smooth-billed - Video recorded in Panama
Ani, Smooth-billed - Video recorded in Brazil
Ani, Smooth-billed - Video recorded in Brazil
Ani, Smooth-billed
- Photographs from Brazil
Ani, Smooth-billed - Video recorded in Ecuador
Ani, Smooth-billed
- Framegrab from Ecuador
Ani, Smooth-billed - Video recorded in Peru
Ani, Smooth-billed
- Framegrab from Peru
Ani, Smooth-billed
 - Video recorded in Trinidad & Tobago
Ani, Smooth-billed
- Photographs taken in Trinidad & Tobago

Antbird, Chestnut-backed - Video recorded in Panama
Antbird, Chestnut-backed - Photograph from Panama
Antbird, Dusky - Video recorded in Panama
Antbird, Dusky - Photograph from Panama
Antbird, Immaculate - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antbird, Immaculate - Photograph from Panama
Antbird, Spotted - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Antbird, Spotted
- Photograph from Costa Rica

Antpitta, Chestnut-crowned - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Chestnut-crowned - Framegrab from Ecuador
Antpitta, Giant - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Giant - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antpitta, Moustached - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Moustached - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antpitta, Ochre-breasted - Video from Colombia 2024
Antpitta, Ochre-breasted - Photographs from Colombia 2024
Antpitta, Slate-crowned - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Slate-crowned - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antpitta, Spectacled - Video recorded in Panama
Antpitta, Spectacled - Photograph from Panama
Antpitta, Tawny - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Tawny - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antpitta, White-bellied - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, White-bellied - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antpitta, Yellow-breasted - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antpitta, Yellow-breasted - Framegrabs from Ecuador

Antshrike, Barred - Video recorded in Tobago
Antshrike, Barred
- Video recorded in Trinidad & Tobago in 2018
Antshrike, Barred
- Framegrabs from Tobago
Antshrike, Barred
- Photographs from Belize 2021
Antshrike, Barred
- Video from Belize 2021
Antshrike, Barred
 - Photographs from Brazil
Antshrike, Black-hooded - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Antshrike, Black-hooded
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Antshrike, Black-hooded
 - Video recorded in Panama
Antshrike, Chestnut-backed
  - Video recorded in Brazil
Antshrike, Chestnut-backed
 - Photographs from Brazil
Antshrike, Fasciated
 - Video recorded in Panama
Antshrike, Fasciated
 - Photograph from Panama
Antshrike, Great
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Antshrike, Great
 - Photographs from Brazil
Antshrike, Great
 - Video recorded in Trinidad
Antshrike, Great
- Video recorded in Trinidad during 2018
Antshrike, Great
- Photograph taken in Trinidad
Antshrike, Slaty - Video recorded in Panama
Antshrike, Western Slaty
 - Photograph from Panama

Ant-Tanager, Black-cheeked - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Ant-Tanager, Black-cheeked
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Ant-Tanager, Crested - Photograph from Colombia 2024
Ant-Tanager, Crested - Video from Colombia 2024
Ant-Tanager, Red-throated - Photograph from Costa Rica

Antthrush, Mayan - Photographs from Belize 2021
Antthrush, Mayan - Video from Belize 2021

Antwren, Dot-winged - Video recorded in Ecuador
Antwren, Dot-winged
- Framegrabs from Ecuador
Antwren, Rusty-backed
 - Photograph from Panama

Apostlebird - Video recorded in Australia
Apostlebird  - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (13:40)
Apostlebird - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (14:31)
Apostlebird - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Aracari, Black-necked - Video recorded in Venezuela
Aracari, Black-necked
- Photograph taken in Venezuela
Aracari, Collared
 - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Aracari, Collared
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Aracari, Chestnut-eared - Video recorded in Brazil
Aracari, Chestunt-eared - Photographs from Brazil
Aracari, Fiery-billed - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Aracari, Fiery-billed
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Aracari, Pale-mandibled
 - Video recorded in Ecuador
Aracari, Pale-mandibled
- Framegrabs from Ecuador
Aracari, Red-necked
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Aracari, Red-necked
 - Photographs from Brazil

Attila, Grey-hooded - Video recorded in Brazil
Attila, Grey-hooded
 - Photographs from Brazil

Avadavat, Red  - Video recorded in India
Avadavat, Red - Photographs from India

Avocet, Andean - Video recorded in Chile
Avocet, Andean
- Framegrab from Chile
Avocet, Pied - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018.
Avocet, Pied
- Framegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018


Babbler, Blackcap - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Babbler, BlackcapFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Babbler, BrownFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Babbler, Brown - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Babbler, Common - Photographs from India
Babbler, Grey-crowned - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (13:24)
Babbler, Grey-crowned - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Babbler, Grey-crowned - Video recorded in Australia
Babbler, Jungle - Video recorded in India
Babbler, Jungle - Photographs from India
Babbler, Large Grey - Video recorded in India
Babbler, Large Grey - Photographs from India
Babbler, Rufous-capped - Video recorded in Bhutan
Babbler, Rufous-capped - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Babbler, Yellow-billed - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Babbler, Yellow-billed - Photograph from Sri Lanka
Babbler, Yellow-eyed - Photographs from Inida

Bananaquit - Video recorded in Brazil
Bananaquit - Video recorded in Brazil
- Photographs from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Bananaquit - Video recorded in Costa Rica
- Photograph from Costa Rica
- Framegrab from Peru
Bananaquit - Video recorded in Trinidad
Bananaquit - Video recorded in Trinidad in 2018
Bananaquit - Photographs taken in Trinidad
 - Photograph from Panama
Bananaquit - Video from Colombia 2024
Bananaquit - Photograph from Colombia 2024

Barbet, Blue-throated 2

Barbet, Bearded - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Barbet, Bearded
Framegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Barbet, Bearded - Video recorded in Senegal during December 2018
Barbet, Bearded
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018
Barbet, Black-girdled - Video recorded in Brazil
Barbet, Black-girdled - Photographs from the Southern Amazon of Brazil
Barbet, Black-spotted  - Video recorded in Venezuela
Barbet, Black-spotted - Framegrab from Venezuela
Barbet, Blue-throated  - Video recorded in India
Barbet, Blue-throated - Photographs from Inida
Barbet, Blue-throated - Video recorded in Bhutan
Barbet, Blue-throated - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Barbet, Brown-headed  - Video recorded in India
Barbet, Brown-headed - Photographs from India
Barbet, Great  - Video recorded in India
Barbet, Great - Photographs from Inida
Barbet, Great
 - Video recorded in Bhutan
Barbet, Great - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Barbet, Red-headed - Video recorded in Peru
Barbet, Red-headed - Video recorded in Ecuador
Barbet, Red-headed - Photographs from Ecuador
Barbet, Scarlet-hooded - Video recorded in Peru
Barbet, Spot-crowned - Video recorded in Panama
Barbet, Spot-crowned - Photograph from Panama
Barbet, Toucan - Video recorded in Ecuador
Barbet, Toucan - Photographs from Ecuador

Barbthroat, Band-tailed - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Barbthroat, Band-tailed - Photograph from Costa Rica

Barwing, Hoary-throated - Video recorded in Bhutan
Barwing, Hoary-throated - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Barwing, Rusty-fronted - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Barwing, Rusty-fronted - Video recorded in Bhutan

Baywing, Grayish - Video recorded in Brazil (formerly Bay-winged Cowbird)

Becard, Black-and-white - Video recorded in Ecuador
Becard, Black-and-white - Photographs from Ecuador
Becard, Black-capped - Video recorded in Brazil
Becard, Black-capped
- Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Becard, Crested
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Becard, Crested
- Photographs from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Becard, Green-backed
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Becard, Green-backed
- Photographs from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Becard, One-colored
 - Video recorded in Ecuador
Becard, One-colored
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Becard, Rose-throated
 - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Becard, Rose-throated
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Becard, Rose-throated
- Photograph from Belize 2021
Becard, Rose-throated
- Video from Belize 2021
Becard, White-winged - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Becard, White-winged
 - Photograph from Costa Rica

Bee-Eater, Blue-bearded - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bee-Eater, Blue-bearded - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bee-Eater, Blue-cheeked - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Bee-Eater, Blue-cheekedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Bee-Eater, Blue-tailed  - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Bee-Eater, Blue-tailed - Photographs from Sri Lanka
Bee-Eater, Chestnut-headed  - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Bee-Eater, Chestnut-headed - Still images from Sri Lanka
Bee-Eater, Green Photographs from Inida
Bee-Eater, Little - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Bee-Eater, LittleFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Bee-Eater, Little Green  - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Bee-Eater, Rainbow - Video recorded in Australia
Bee-Eater, Rainbow - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (27:11)
Bee-Eater, Rainbow - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Bee-Eater, Swallow-tailed - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Bee-Eater, Swallow-tailedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Bee-Eater, Swallow-tailed
- Video from Senegal during December 2018
Bee-Eater, Swallow-tailed
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018

Bellbird, Bare-throated - Video recorded in Brazil
Bellbird, Bare-throated - Photographs from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Bellbird, Bearded - Video recorded in Trinidad in 2018

Bishop, Northern Red - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Bishop, Northern RedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018

Bittern, Black - Video recorded in India
Bittern, Black - Photographs from Inida
Bittern, Cinnamon  - Video recorded in Sri Lanka
Bittern, Cinnamon - Still images from Sri Lanka
Bittern, Least - Photographs from Belize 2021
Bittern, Least - Video from Belize 2021
Bittern, Yellow - Still images from Sri Lanka
Bittern, Yellow  - Video recorded in Sri Lanka

Blackbird, Austral - Video recorded in Chile
Blackbird, Austral - Framegrab from Chile
Blackbird, Chestnut-capped - Video recorded in Brazil
Blackbird, Chestnut-capped - Photos from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Blackbird, Chopi - Video recorded in Brazil
Blackbird, Chopi - Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Blackbird, Melodious - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Blackbird, Melodious - Photograph from Costa Rica
Blackbird, Red-breasted - Video recorded in Panama
Blackbird, Red-breasted - Photograph from Panama
Blackbird, Red-breasted - Video recorded in Trinidad
Blackbird, Red-breasted - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Blackbird, Red-winged - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Blackbird, Red-winged - Photograph from Costa Rica
Blackbird, Unicolored - Video recorded in Brazil
Blackbird, Unicolored - Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Blackbird, White-collared - Video recorded in India
Blackbird, White-collared - Photographs from India
Blackbird, Yellow-hooded - Video recorded in Trinidad
Blackbird, Yellow-hooded - Photograph taken in Trinidad
Blackbird, Yellow-winged - Video recorded in Peru
Blackbird, Yellow-winged - Framegrab from Peru

Black-Cockatoo, Red-tailed - Video recorded in Australia
Black-Cockatoo, Red-tailed - Video - Queensland, Australia Vol. 5 (22:18)
Black-Cockatoo, Red-tailed - Photograph from Queensland, Australia

Bluethroat - Video recorded in India
Bluethroat - Photographs from Inidia

Bobwhite, Black-throated - Photographs from Belize 2021
Bobwhite, Spot-bellied - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Bobwhite, Spot-bellied - Photograph from Costa Rica

Booby, Brown - Video recorded in Tobago
Booby, Brown
- Photographs taken in Tobago
Booby, Peruvian
 - Video recorded in Chile
Booby, Peruvian
- Framegrab from Chile
Booby, Red-footed
 - Video recorded in Tobago
Booby, Red-footed
- Photographs taken in Tobago

Bowerbird, Great - Video recorded in Australia
Bowerbird, Great
- Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (24:56)
Bowerbrid, Great - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (12:50)
Bowerbird, Great - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Brilliant, Empress - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brilliant, Empress - Photograph from Ecuador
Brilliant, Empress - Video from Colombia 2024
Brilliant, Empress - Photographs from Colombia 2024
Brilliant, Fawn-breasted - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brilliant, Fawn-breasted - Photographs from Ecuador
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Photograph from Costa Rica
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Photograph from Panama
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Photographs from Ecuador
Brilliant, Green-crowned - Photograph from Colombia 2024
Brilliant, Violet-crowned - Video recorded in Peru
Brilliant, Violet-fronted
- Photographs from Ecuador

Brolga - Video recorded in Australia Vol 1
Brolga - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (04:20)
Brolga - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (16:39)
Brolga - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Brush-Finch, Black-headed - Video from Colombia 2024
Brush-Finch, Black-headed - Photograph from Colombia 2024

Brush-Finch, Chestnut-capped - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Chestnut-capped - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Choco - Video from Colombia
Brush-Finch, Choco - Photographs from Colombia
Brush-Finch, Pale-naped - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Pale-naped - Framegrabs fro Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Santa Marta - Photographs from Colombia
Brush-Finch, Santa Marta - Video recorded in Colombia
Brush-Finch, Slaty - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Slaty - Photographs from Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Stripe-headed - Photograph from Colombia
Brush-Finch, Stripe-headed - Video recorded in Colombia
Brush-Finch, Yellow-breasted - Video recorded in Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Yellow-breasted - Photographs from Ecuador
Brush-Finch, Yellow-throated - Photograph from Costa Rica

Brush-Turkey, Australian - Video recorded in Australia
Brush-Turkey, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (50:50)
Brush-Turkey, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (04:47)
Brush-Turkey, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (29:36)
Brush-Turkey, Australian - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Bulbul, Ashy - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Ashy - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, Black - Photographs from India
Bulbul, Black-crested - Photographs from India
Bulbul, Black-crested - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, Black-crested - Video recorded in India
Bulbul, Black-crested - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Common - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Bulbul, CommonFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Bulbul, Common - Video recorded in Senegal during December 2018
Bulbul, Common - Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018
Bulbul, Himalayan - Video recorded in India
Bulbul, Himalayan - Photographs from Inida
Bulbul, Himalayan Black - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Himalayan Black - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, Mountain - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, Mountain - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Red-vented - Video recorded in India
Bulbul, Red-vented - Photographs from Inida
Bulbul, Red-vented - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Red-vented - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, Red-whiskered - Video recorded in India
Bulbul, Red-whiskered - Photographs from India
Bulbul, Striated  - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bulbul, Striated - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bulbul, White-eared - Video recorded in India
Bulbul, White-eared - Photographs from Inida

Bunting, Blue - Photographs from Belize 2021
Bunting, Blue - Video from Belize 2021
Bunting, Grey-necked - Photographs from India

Bushchat, Grey - Video recorded in Bhutan
Bushchat, Grey - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Bushchat, Grey - Photographs from India
Bushchat, Pied - Photographs from India

Bush-Tanager, Common - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Bush-Tanager, Common - Photograph from Costa Rica
Bush-Tanager, Grey-hooded - Photographs from Ecuador
Bush-Tanager, Sooty-capped - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Bush-Tanager, Sooty-capped - Photograph from Costa Rica

Bustard, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (36:20)
Bustard, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (01:33)
Bustard, Australian - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Bustard, Indian - Photographs from India
Bustard, MacQueen's - Photographs from India

Butcherbird, Black - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (43:42)
Butcherbird, Black - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (26:27)
Butcherbird, Black - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Butcherbird, Grey  - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (27:05)
Butcherbird, Grey - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Butcherbird, Pied - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (1:00:21)
Butcherbird, Pied - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (10:47)
Butcherbird, Pied - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (20:30)
Butcherbird, Pied - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Buttonquail, Barred - Still images from Sri Lanka

Buzzard, Himalayan - Video recorded in Bhutan
Buzzard, Himalayan - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Buzzard, Lizard - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Buzzard, LizardFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Buzzard, Lizard
- Video recorded in Senegal during December 2018
Buzzard, Lizard
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018
Buzzard, Long-legged - Photographs from India

Buzzard-Eagle, Black-chested - Photograph from Colombia 2024


Cacholote, Grey-crested - Photograph from Brazil
Cacholote, Rufous  - Video recorded in Brazil

Cacique, Red-rumped - Framegrab from Venezuela
Cacique, Scarlet-rumped - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Cacique, Scarlet-rumped
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Cacique, Scarlet-rumped - Photograph from Panama
Cacique, Sub-tropical
- Framegrab from Ecuador
Cacique, Yellow-billed - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Cacique, Yellow-billed
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Cacique, Yellow-billed - Photograph from Belize 2021
Cacique, Yellow-rumped - Video recorded in Brazil
Cacique, Yellow-rumped
- Photograph from Brazil
Cacique, Yellow-rumped - Video recorded in Trinidad 
Cacique, Yellow-rumped
- Photographs taken in Trinidad
Cacique, Yellow-rumped
- Framegrab from Peru

Canary-Flycatcher, Grey-headed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Canary-Flycatcher, Grey-headed - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Canary-Flycatcher, Grey-headed - Photographs from India

Canastero, Cordilleran - Video recorded in Chile
Canastero, Cordilleran  - Framegrab from Chile

Caracara, Carunculated - Video recorded in Ecuador
Caracara, Carunculated
- Photographs from Ecuador
Caracara, Chimango
 - Video recorded in Chile
Caracara, Chimango  - Framegrab from Chile
Caracara, Northern Crested
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Caracara, Southern
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Caracara, Southern
- Photograph from Brazil
Caracara, Yellow-headed
 - Video recorded in Panama
Caracara, Yellow-headed
 - Photograph from Panama
Caracara, Yellow-headed
 - Video recorded in Trinidad 
Caracara, Yellow-headed
- Photograph taken in Trinidad
Caracara, Yellow-headed
- Photograph from Brazil
Caracara, Yellow-headed
- Photographs taken in Colombia
Caracara, Yellow-headed
- Video recorded in Colombia

Cardinal, Masked - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Cardinal, Red-capped - Video recorded in Peru
Cardinal, Red-capped - Framegrabs from Peru
Cardinal, Red-capped - Video recorded in Trinidad in 2018
Cardinal, Red-crested - Video recorded in Brazil
Cardinal, Red-crested - Photograph from Brazil
Cardinal, Yellow-billed - Video recorded in Brazil
Cardinal, Yellow-billed - Photograph from Brazil

Casiornis, Rufous - Photograph from Brazil

Cassowary, Southern - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (25:34)
Cassowary, Southern - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Catbird, Spotted - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (47:26)
Catbird, Spotted - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (56:48)
Catbird, Spotted - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (26:12)
Catbird, Spotted - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Chachalaca, Chaco - Video recorded in Brazil
Chachalaca, Chaco
- Photograph from Brazil
Chachalaca, Grey-headed 
- Video recorded in Costa Rica
Chachalaca, Grey-headed
 - Photograph from Costa Rica
Chachalaca, Plain
- Photographs from Belize 2021
Chachalaca, Plain
- Video recorded in Belize 2021
Chachalaca, Rufous-vented
 - Video recorded in Tobago
Chachalaca, Rufous-vented
- Video recorded in Tobago
Chachalaca, Rufous-vented
- Photographs taken in Tobago
Chachalaca, Speckled - Video recorded in Peru
Chachalaca, Speckled - Framegrabs from Peru

Chat, White-crowned Robin - Video from The Gambia - November 2018
Chat, White-fronted Black
- Video from Senegal during December 2018
Chat, White-fronted Black
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018

Chat-Tyrant, Rufous-breasted - Photographs from Ecuador
Chat-Tyrant, Slaty-backed - Video recorded in Ecuador
Chat-Tyrant, Slaty-backed
- Framegrabs from Ecuador
Chat-Tyrant, White-browed
- Framegrab from Peru

Chiffchaf, Common - Photographs from India

Chilia, Crag - Video recorded in Chile
Chilia, Crag - Framegrab from Chile

Chlorophonia, Blue-naped - Video recorded in Brazil
Chlorophonia, Blue-naped - Photograph from Brazil
Chlorophonia, Blue-naped
- Photographs from Colombia
Chlorophonia, Blue-naped
- Video recorded in Colombia
Chlorophonia, Chestnut-breasted - Video from Colombia 2024
Chlorophonia, Chestnut-breasted - Photographs from Colombia 2024

Chlorospingus, Dusky - Video from Colombia 2024
Chlorospingus, Dusky - Photographs from Colombia 2024

Chough, Red-billed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Chough, Red-billed - Photographs taken in Bhutan

Cinclodes, Bar-winged - Framegrab from Ecuador
Cinclodes, Chilean Seaside
 - Video recorded in Chile
Cinclodes, Chilean Seaside
 - Framegrab from Chile
Cinclodes, Dark-bellied
 - Video recorded in Chile
Cinclodes, Dark-bellied
 - Framegrab from Chile
Cinclodes, Stout-billed
- Framegrabs from Ecuador

Cisticola, Golden-headed - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (24:45)
Cisticola, Golden-headed
- Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Cisticola, Winding
- Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Cisticola, Winding
Framegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Cisticola, Zitting - Still images from Sri Lanka

Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (07:33)
Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (22:59)
Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (13:28)
Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested
- Photographs taken In Queensland, Australia

Cock-of-the-Rock, Andean - Video recorded in Peru
Cock-of-the Rock, Andean - Framegrabs from Peru
Cock-of-the-Rock, Andean - Photographs from Ecuador

Cock-of-the-Rock, Andean b

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock on its nest in Ecuador

Collared-Dove, Eurasian - Photograph from the Czech Republic
Collared-Dove, Eurasian - Photographs from India

Condor, Andean - Video recorded in Ecuador
Condor, Andean - Framegrab from Ecuador

Conebill, Blue-backed - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Conebill, Capped
- Framegrab from Ecuador
Conebill, Cinereous
 - Video recorded in Chile
Conebill, Cinereous - Framegrab from Chile

Coot, Andean - Video recorded in Peru
Coot, Andean - Framegrabs from Peru
Coot, Andean - Framegrabs from Ecuador
Coot, Common - Photographs from India
Coot, Giant - Video recorded in Chile
Coot, Giant - Framegrab from Chile
Coot, Horned - Video recorded in Chile
Coot, Horned - Framegrab from Chile
Coot, Red-fronted - Video recorded in Chile
Coot, Red-fronted - Framegrab from Chile
Coot, Red-gartered - Video recorded in Chile
Coot, Red-gartered - Framegrab from Chile
Coot, White-winged - Video recorded in Chile
Coot, White-winged - Framegrab from Chile

Coquette, Black-crested - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Coquette, Black-crested - Photograph from Costa Rica
Coquette, Butterfly - Framegrabs from Peru
Coquette, Butterfly
- Video from Peru
Coquette, Butterfly - Video from Peru
Coquette, Peacock - Photograph taken in Venezuela
Coquette, Rufous-crested - Video recorded in Panama
Coquette, Rufous-crested - Photograph from Panama
Coquette, Rufous-crested - Framegrabs from Peru
Coquette, Rufous-crested - Video from in Peru and Panama
Coquette, Tufted - Photograph from Trinidad
Coquette, Tufted - Video recorded in Trinidad, April 2018

Cordon-bleu, Red-cheeked - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Cordon-bleu, Red-cheekedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Cordon-bleu, Red-cheeked
- Video from Senegal during December 2018
Cordon-bleu, Red-cheeked
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018

Corella, Little - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (19:09)
Corella, Little - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Cormorant, Great - Video recorded in Bhutan
Cormorant, Great - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Cormorant, Indian - Photographs from Inida
Cormorant, Little - Photographs from India
Cormorant, Little Black
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (08:42)
Cormorant, Little Black
- - Photograph taken in Queensland, Australia
Cormorant, Little Pied-
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (23:24)
Cormorant, Little Pied-
 - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (17:50)
Cormorant, Little Pied-
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (08:16)
Cormorant, Little Pied-
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (23:30)
Cormorant, Little Pied-
- Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Cormorant, Long-tailed
- Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Cormorant, Long-tailed
Framegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Cormorant, Neotropic
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Cormorant, Neotropic
- Photograph from Brazil
Cormorant, Neotropic
- Photograph from Colombia
Cormorant, Neotropic
- Photographs from Belize
Cormorant, Pied
- Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (07:52)
Cormaorant, Pied
- Photograph taken in Queensland, Australia
Cormorant, Red-legged
 - Video recorded in Chile
Cormorant, Red-legged
 - Framegrab from Chile

Coronet, Buff-tailed - Video recorded in Ecuador
Coronet, Buff-tailed
- Photographs from Ecuador
Coronet, Buff-tailed - Photographs from Colombia 2024
Coronet, Chestnut-breasted
- Photographs from Ecuador

Cotinga, Red-crested - Photograph from Ecuador
Cotinga, Spangled - Video recorded in Brazil
Cotinga, Spangled - Photograph from the southern Amazon of Brazil
Cotinga, Swallow-tailed  - Video recorded in Brazil
Cotinga, Swallow-tailed - Photographs from the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil

Coucal, Great - Still images from Sri Lanka
Coucal, Greater - Photographs from India
Coucal, Lesser - Photographs from India
Coucal, Pheasant - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (56:54)
Coucal, Pheasant - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (03:23)
Coucal, Pheasant - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Coucal, Senegal - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Coucal, SenegalFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018

Cowbird, Bay-winged - Video recorded in Brazil (Grayish Baywing)
Cowbird, Bay-winged
- Photo from the Pantanal of Brazil (Grayish Baywing)
Cowbird, Giant
 - Video recorded in Panama
Cowbird, Giant
 - Photograph from Panama
Cowbird, Giant - Photograph from the Pantanal of Brazil
Cowbird, Giant
- Video recorded in Tobago - April 2018
Cowbird, Giant
- Video recorded in Belize 2021
Cowbird, Giant
- Photographs from Belize 2021
Cowbird, Shiny
 - Video recorded in Brazil
Cowbird, Shiny
- Photos from the Atlantic Rainforest and Pantanal of Brazil
Cowbird, Shiny
 - Video recorded in Trinidad
Cowbird, Shiny
- Video recorded in Trinidad & Tobago in 2018
Cowbird, Shiny
- Photograph taken in Trinidad
Cowbird, Shiny
 - Framegrab from Chile

Crake, Black-tailed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Crake, Black-tailed - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Crake, Ruddy
- Photographs from Belize 2021
Crake, Ruddy
- Video from Belize 2021
Crake, White-browed - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (14:08)
Crake, White-browed - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Crane, Black-necked - Video recorded in Bhutan
Crane, Black-necked - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Crane, Common - Photographs from India
Crane, Demoiselle - Photographs from India
Crane, Sarus
- Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (16:58)
Crane, Sarus - Photograph taken in Queensland, Australia
Crane, Sarus - Photographs from India

Crombec, Northern - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Crombec, NorthernFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018

Crossbill, Red - Video recorded in Bhutan
Crossbill, Red - Photographs taken in Bhutan

Crow, House - Still images from Sri Lanka
Crow, House - Photographs from India
Crow, Large-billed - Photographs from India
Crow, Large-billed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Crow, Large-billed - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Crow, Little - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (38:37)
Crow, Little - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (20:56)
Crow, Little - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Crow, Northwestern - Photographs from British Columbia
Crow, Pied - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Crow, PiedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Crow, Torresian - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Crow, Torresian - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (24:35)
Crow, Torresian - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (24:22)

Cuckoo, Guira - Video recorded in Brazil
Cuckoo, Guira - Photographs from the Pantanal of Brazil
Cuckoo, Squirrel - Video recorded in Brazil
Cuckoo, Squirrel - Photos from the Pantanal and Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Cuckoo, Squirrel - Photograph from Costa Rica
Cuckoo, Squirrel - Photograph from Panama

Cuckoo-Dove, Barred - Video recorded in Bhutan
Cuckoo-Dove, Barred - Photographs taken in Bhutan
Cuckoo-Dove, Brown
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (15:52)
Cuckoo-Dove, Brown - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

Cuckoo-Shrike, Black-faced - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (16:16)
Cuckoo-Shrike, Black-faced - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (18:40)
Cuckoo-Shrike, Black-faced - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Cuckoo-Shrike, White-bellied - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia
Cuckoo-Shrike, White-bellied - Video - Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (49:46)

Curassow, Black  - Video recorded in Venezuela
Curassow, Black - Photograph taken in Venezuela
Curassow, Razor-billed - Video recorded in Brazil
Curassow, Razor-billed - Photograph from the southern Amazon of Brazil

Curlew, Eurasian - Photographs from India

Currawong, Pied - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (1:04:50)
Currawong, Pied - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (28:07)
Currawong, Pied - Photographs taken in Queensland, Australia

© Robert Barnes 2023-2024