M to O - Index of the Birds

An index to the birds which have a common name starting with “M”, “N”, or “O” as found on this website and the video portfolios which support it.  If there is a time indicator (00:30) it refers to the time the species is first seen on the video.


Macaw, Blue-and-yellow - Video recorded in Brazil
Macaw, Blue-winged - Video recorded in Brazil
Macaw, Chestnut-fronted - Video recorded in Brazil
Macaw, Hyacinth - Video recorded in Brazil
Macaw, Red-and-green - Video recorded in Venezuela
Macaw, Red-and-green - Framegrab from Venezuela
Macaw, Red-bellied - Video recorded in Peru
Macaw, Scarlet  - Video recorded in Peru

Magpie, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (28:47)
Magpie, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (15:49)
Magpie, Australian - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (21:15)
Magpie, Australian - Photographs from Queensland
Magpie, Eurasian - Video recorded in Bhutan
Magpie, Eurasian  - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Magpie-Lark - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (06:20)
Magpie-Lark - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (43:50)
Magpie-Lark - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (29:50)
Magpie-Lark - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (12:38)
Magpie-Lark - Photographs from Queensland

Magpie-Robin, Oriental - Video recorded in Bhutan
Magpie-Robin, Oriental - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Manakin, Blue - Video recorded in Brazil
Manakin, Blue-backed - Video recorded in Tobago
Manakin, Blue-backed - Photograph taken in Tobago
Manakin, Club-winged - Video recorded in Ecuador
Manakin, Golden-headed - Video recorded in Trinidad
Manakin, Golden-headed - Video recorded in Trinidad - April 2018
Manakin, Golden-headed - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Manakin, Golden-winged - Video recorded in Ecuador
Manakin, Helmeted - Video recorded in Brazil
Manakin, Red-capped - Video recorded in Panama
Manakin, White-bearded - Video recorded in Brazil
Manakin, White-bearded - Video recorded in Trinidad
Manakin, White-bearded - Video recorded in Trinidad in 2018
Manakin, White-bearded - Photographs taken in Trinidad
Manakin, White-collared - Photograph from Belize 2021
Manakin, White-collared - Video from Belize 2021

Mango, Black-throated - Video recorded in Brazil
Mango, Black-throated - Video taken in Trinidad in 2018
Mango, Black-throated - Photographs taken on Tobago and Trinidad
Mango, Green-breasted - Video recorded in Costa Rica

Mannikin, Bronze - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Mannikin, BronzeFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Mannikin, Chestnut-breasted - Video from Queensland - Vol. 1 (20:53)
Mannikin, Chestnut-breasted - Video from Queensland - Vol. 4 (1:00:29)
Mannikin, Chestnut-breasted - Photographs from Queensland

Marsh-Tyrant, White-headed - Video recorded in Brazil

Martin, Brown-chested - Video recorded in Brazil
Martin, Gray-breasted - Video recorded in Panama
Martin, Gray-breasted - Photograph from Belize

Meadowlark, Eastern - Kansas 2022 2

Meadowlark, Eastern - Photographs from Belize 2021
Meadowlark, Eastern - Video from Belize 2021
Meadowlark, Long-tailed - Video recorded in Chile

Metaltail, Tyrian - Video recorded in Ecuador

Miner, Common - Video recorded in Chile
Miner, Noisy - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (20:47)
Miner, Noisy - Photographs from Queensland
Miner, Yellow-throated - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 2 (42:12)
Miner, Yellow-throated - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (18:06)
Miner, Yellow-throated - Photographs from Queensland

Minivet, Grey-chinned - Video recorded in Bhutan
Minivet, Grey-chinned - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Minivet, Long-tailed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Minivet, Long-tailed - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Minivet, Scarlet - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Minivet, Scarlet - Video recorded in Bhutan
Minivet, Small - Photographs from Gujarat, India

Minla, Red-tailed - Video recorded in Bhutan
Minia, Red-tailed - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Mockingbird, Chalk-browed - Video recorded in Brazil
Mockingbird, Chilean - Video recorded in Chile
Mockingbird, Northern - Video recorded in Mexico
Mockingbird, Northern - Photographs from Mexico
Mockingbird, Tropical - Video recorded in Trinidad
Mockingbird, Tropical - Video recorded in Trinidad & Tobago during 2018
Mockingbird, Tropical
- Photographs taken in Tobago & Trinidad

Monal, Himalayan 2

Himalayan Monal - Bhutan

Monal, Himalayan - Video recorded in Bhutan
Monal, Himalayan - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Monarch, Spectacled - Video recorded in Australia
Monarch, Spectacled
 - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (46:00)
Monarch, Spectacled
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 3 (45:54)
Monarch, Spectacled
- Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (17:25)
Monarch, Spectacled
- Photographs from Queensland

Monjita, Grey - Video recorded in Brazil

Moorhen, Common - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
Moorhen, CommonFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Moorhen, Common - Photographs from Gujarat, India
Moorhen, Dusky - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (04:04)
Moorhen, Dusky - Photographs from Queensland

Motmot, Broad-billed - Video recorded in Ecuador
Motmot, Broad-billed - Photograph from Colombia 2024
Motmot, Broad-billed - Video from Colombia 2024
Motmot, Highland - Video from Colombia 2024
Motmot, Highland - Photograph from Colombia 2024
Motmot, Lesson's - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Motmot, Tody - Photographs from Belize 2021
Motmot, Trinidad - Video recorded in Tobago
Motmot, Trinidad - Video recorded in Tobago
Motmot, Trinidad - Photographs taken in Tobago
Motmot, Rufous - Video recorded in Panama

Mountain-Gem, White-throated - Video recorded in Costa Rica

Mountain-Tanager, Black-chinned - Video recorded in Ecuador
Mountain-Tanager, Black-chinned - Photograph from Colombia 2024
Mountain-Tanager, Black-chinned - Video from Colombia 2024
Mountain-Tanager, Blue-winged - Video recorded in Ecuador
Mountain-Tanager, Hooded - Video recorded in Ecuador
Mountain-Tanager, Scarlet-bellied - Video recorded in Ecuador

Mourner, Rufous - Video recorded in Panama

Munia, Bronze (see Mannikin, Bronze)
Munia, Scaly-breasted - Video recorded in Bhutan
Munia, Scaly-breasted - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Myna, Bank - Photographs from India
Myna, Common - Photographs from India
Myna, Common - Video recorded in Bhutan
Myna, Common - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Myna, Common - Photographs from Queensland
Myna, Common - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (04:29)


Nighthawk, Common - Photographs from Belize 2021
Nighthawk, Common - Video recorded in Belize 2021
Nighthawk, Lesser - Video recorded in Panama

Night-Heron, Black-crowned - Video recorded in Brazil
Night-Heron, Black-crowned - Video recorded in Chile
Night-Heron, Black-crowned - Video recorded in Tobago
Night-Heron, Nankeen - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (30:51)
Night-Heron, Nankeen - Photographs from Queensland

Nightjar, Blackish - Video recorded in Brazil
Nightjar, Large-tailed - Photographs from India
Nightjar, Long-tailed - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Nightjar, Long-tailedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Nightjar, Standard-wingedPhotos from The Gambia, November 2018
Nightjar, Standard-winged - Video from The Gambia, November 2018
Nightjar, Sykes’s - Photographs from India
Nightjar, White-tailed - Photographs taken on Tobago
Nightjar, White-tailed - Video taken in Tobago
Nightjar, Yucatan - Video from Belize 2021
Nightjar, Yucatan - Photograph from Belize 2021

Nunbird, Black-fronted - Video recorded in Brazil
Nunbird, White-faced - Video from Colombia 2024
Nunbird, White-faced - Photographs from Colombia 2024

Nutcracker, Spotted - Video recorded in Bhutan
Nutcracker, Spotted - Photograph taken in Bhutan

Nuthatch, Beautiful - Video recorded in Bhutan
Nuthatch, Beautiful - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Nuthatch, Chestnut-bellied - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Nuthatch, Chestnut-bellied - Video recorded in Bhutan


Oilbird - Video recorded in Ecuador
Oilbird - Video recorded in Trinidad
- Photographs taken in Trinidad

Oriole, African Golden - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Oriole, African Golden
- Framegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Oriole, Baltimore - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Oriole, Olive-backed - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (58:35)
Oriole, Olive-backed - Video from Queensland, Australia - Vol. 5 (03:52)
Oriole, Olive-backed - Photographs from Queensland

Oropendola, Amazonian  - Video recorded in Peru
Oropendola, Chestnut-headed - Video recorded in Panama
Oropendola, Chestnut-headed - Video from Colombia 2024
Oropendola, Chestnut-headed - Photographs from Colombia 2024
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Brazil
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Brazil
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Trinidad
Oropendola, Crested - Photographs taken in Trinidad & Tobago
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Tobago
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Tobago - April 2018
Oropendola, Crested - Photographs taken in Colombia
Oropendola, Crested - Video recorded in Colombia
Oropendola, Dusky-green  - Video recorded in Peru
Oropendola, Green - Video recorded in Venezuela
Oropendola, Montezuma - Video recorded in Costa Rica
Oropendola, Russet-backed  - Video recorded in Peru
Oropendola, Yellow-billed (Russet-backed) - Video from Colombia 2024
Oropendola, Yellow-billed (Russet-backed) - Photographs from Colombia 2024

Osprey - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 1 (55:41)
Osprey - Photographs from Queensland
Osprey - Video recorded in The Gambia during November 2018
OspreyFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018

Owl, Burrowing - Video recorded in Brazil
Owl, Burrowing - Video recorded in Chile
Owl, Collared Scops- - Photographs from India
Owl, Lesser Sooty - Video recorded in Queensland, Australia - Vol. 4 (52:05)
Owl, Lesser Sooty - Photographs from Queensland
Owl, Mottled - Video recorded in Panama
Owl, Northern White-faced - Video from The Gambia, November 2018
Owl, Northern White-facedPhotos from The Gambia, November 2018
Owl, Spectacled - Video recorded in Panama

Owlet, Asian Barred - Video recorded in Bhutan
Owlet, Asian Barred - Photograph taken in Bhutan
Owlet, Pearl-spotted - Video from The Gambia during November 2018
Owlet, Pearl-spottedFramegrabs from The Gambia, November 2018
Owlet, Pearl-spotted
- Video recorded in Senegal during December 2018
Owlet, Pearl-spotted
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018

Oxpecker, Yellow-billed - Video recorded in Senegal during December 2018
Oxpecker, Yellow-billed
- Framegrabs from Senegal, December 2018

Oystercatcher, American - Video recorded in Chile
Oystercatcher, Blackish  - Video recorded in Chile


© Robert Barnes 2023-2024