

Thought to have originated in Southern Africa where it appears naturally in a variety of forms, from sweet to bitter, it is now eaten with relish the world wide.

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It is best eaten cold, or is it best warm and straight from the vine?  In any case, I like it with salt - many others do not.

When absolutely ripe a watermelon will literally pop open when it is first cut.

China is the largest producer of watermelons in the world, they were introduced to China in the 10th century AD.

Watermelons were first introduced in the Americas sometime in the 16th century.  The indigenous peoples quickly took to the fruit and when early exploratory expeditions traveled into the interior they found watermelon patches throughout the Mississippi Valley.  The early varieties which we grow in our yard have remained unchanged from the earliest period of introduction - before they had their shapes modified to oblong for shipping purposes.

There are more than 1200 watermelon varieties - varying in shape, size (from a few pounds to more than 250 pounds), sugar content, and color of flesh (red, orange, white, yellow).

True to name, watermelons are about 92% water (by weight) and 6% sugar - they are high in Vitamin C.

Watermelon rind is often prepared as if it were a vegetable, stir-fried, stewed, or pickled.

The Oklahoma State Senate passed a bill declaring the Watermelon the official state vegetable -- like so many things they do they got it wrong - the watermelon is a fruit.

© Robert Barnes 2023-2024